zondag 23 februari 2014

Olielampjes met een nieuwe glazuurlaag - Revised oil lamps

Last week I was less than completely happy with the result of firing three oil lamps with iron and a light-coloured glaze. The iron appeared not as subtle as intended. So, I took my favourite copper gold glaze, added a considerable drop of wood glue, plus pehatine to reduce staining. 
And two days later the oil lamps looked much better. 

Previous appearance of the three lamps: 

zondag 16 februari 2014

Big Mask on wheels - the finale

Big Mask is ready for finding its final location in my garden. 
Before arriving there we made a detour towards the park.  

zaterdag 15 februari 2014

Zwanenmeer - Dutch Swan Lake

Below one of the 7 episodes of Swan Lake by V.C. Hoogenveen. It contains a slight adaptation to the original story. Not only Odette and Odile are potential brides for Prince Siegfried, Green Drake Ottilie and Norwegian Olga have proposed themselves as interesting parties for Siegfried.

Siegfried and the magician are having a conversation in the woods.
"You are not a nice guy at all, mister Wizard. You have put Odette under a spell."
"Well, look here, I am a magician, and that is the kind of things magicians do. If I become your father-in-law, I will apply my powers for you as well. And conjure whatever you want."

Siegfried now walks back towards the castle. He considers the dilemmas he is facing. Each lady who wants to marry him has her pros and cons. He gets his knapsack.
"Mother, I am leaving for a journey. I get a bit noxious when I think of next Saturday, my birthday. I need some time to think and to be on my own for a while."

"What do you mean, noxious? Isn't it wonderful, so many options offered to you? Odette is beautiful, and she already has your ring."
"She has been a swan for quite some time. And swans tend to hit you with their wing if you come to close by."
"Olga brings her  special genie of the lamp and is very sweet and possibly very beautiful as soon as you marry her."
"Exactly! Possibly. Maybe she will stay ugly."
"Ottilie has a large empire which will be yours as well."
"Okay, very nice. However, I do not fall for green dragons. And it is dangerous! Fire from her mouth."
"Odile is just as beautiful as Odette and she has a father that could conjure anything for you."
"Mister Wizard is not a kind person. He has conflicts with a lot of people. I am afraid that I will become  part of the feuds as well when I marry Odile. Ugh!"

Siegfried is getting ready to leave. The queen grabs her son by the collar.
"No, you are staying here."
And she places him behind a fence so that he cannot run.

zondag 9 februari 2014

Laatste loodjes - Last mile

Big Mask has its colours now. The real finalisation can start: reparations and sealing. 

Big Mask is transported outside the house when I am going to apply the ammonia and hydrochloric acid on the copper part. You do not want the smell that results from those liquids inside your home. 
Transportation outside took place on a bumpy ramp. 
Some lugging and pushing made it rumble outside onto the terrace. 

Below the bumpy ramp. Note the styrofoam. 
Leftovers from making the skeleton weeks and weeks ago.

Back inside was a bit harder. After a work-out of 20 minutes I decided a proper wheelchair ramp was needed here. The roof of the rabbit run would do the trick.
And tadaaaaaaaah: 

Originally the subtitle of Big Mask was thought to be "Copper and Chocolate brown". I am about to change it into
"Green copper and several shades of brown".

The copper was sanded to diminish the green somewhat. The original colour of the art resin reappeared again at some spots. This was repaired like this.

The whitish stains that were caused by water dripping downwards (while sanding the copper) on the chocolate brown part worry me the most. I will have to take a close look into how to cleanse this away. 

The pedestal has a layer with sand and iron. The iron will be sanded like the copper to let rust originate. 

 The rectangle in the middle shows the effect of one layer of sealer. 
The green is faded a bit, just how I intended it to be. 

zondag 2 februari 2014

IJzermannen - Iron men

The iron men are connected through a common pedestal, but each is looking into another direction.