zondag 16 november 2014

Amoebeschaaltje - Amoeba bowl

The amoebas were first cut out of paper. The paper was put on the unbaked clay with water.
The bowl was decorated with engobe in one colour, including the paper amoebas. 
The paper fell off when the bowl desiccated. 
Which led to this effect of amoebas in and on a bowl.

zondag 9 november 2014

Glas-in-lood Mondriaan - Stained glass Mondriaan

The division in planes is by Mondriaan, the colours are chosen by me. 
And the handcraft was performed by myself as well, mostly. 
Made in Tolbert. 

I went to a workshop to learn more about this technique. This might get a follow-up in a much bigger work, as in a few meters wide. To replace the sansevieras on the windowsill of the living room. 

with sun

solder machine
