zaterdag 30 augustus 2014

Pinhole camera

From December 2013 till June this year a pinhole camera was attached to a drainpipe of my house. The camera consists of two cans with photosensitive paper inside. The hole had to be as small as possible to increase the photo's sharpness. 

Development of this photo involved a scanner which sent a pdf to my mail address.
Next time I must ensure the paper is not placed in the corner where a fierce lamp lights up when you close the scanner's cover. 

In Elements I could reduce the effect of the scanner's lamp. Further I added some colours to the picture. Note my nicely red car in the front. 

zondag 24 augustus 2014

Blauwwitte schaaltjes - Blue and white

The glaze was applied through dipping and pouring. The result is less than completely tight and neat. Just as I like it. 

zondag 17 augustus 2014

Slangenmens - Contortionist

Pyke Koch was a dutch painter who lived from 1901 to 1991. In the 50s he made several paintings of the contortionist. I made a 3D version of this acrobat in clay. 

zondag 10 augustus 2014

Red cracks, yellow, and blue

Three nicely thin walled bowls were glazed with silver blue on the outside and yellow on the inside.
One of them broke in two while cooling down after glazing. I glued them together. 
It cannot be used for my breakfast anymore now that I marked the cracks with red acrylic. I did something similar to the cracked head in January. 

Same bowls with red back ground. Red eats the blue here.