zondag 29 juni 2014

Begonia uit archief - Begonia from stock

About twenty years ago I took some painting lessons, watercolour to be precise. I had not painted since kindergarten so it was a complete surprise what came out of it. A begonia wrapped in paper stood model for this painting. 
I liked the colours better than the watery effect, that is why some parts were put on relatively dry. 

After this begonia, it did not take me long to move on to acrylic to have more control over the results. Watercolours tend to fade when they dry. Nonetheless, I am still pleased with it; it hangs prominently on the wall in my studio. 

zondag 22 juni 2014

Makeover van portretten - Portrait makeover

These two portraits were made quite a few years ago. One is an attempt of a self portrait. The other just a head of an elderly man. I decided to give them a new look. One blue with an effect in the glaze and the other plain black. 

zaterdag 14 juni 2014

Witte albast II - White alabaster II

Last week I spent a short holiday in Spain, province of Girona. 
In the morning working on a white stone, in the afternoons I visited towns in the neighbourhood. 
The result of the carving activities shows a resemblance with another white alabaster. That one was made a couple of years ago. It seems I have a certain style in carving heads in albast. 

The sculpture was made in the open atelier of La Colina & La Miana.

zondag 1 juni 2014

Witte Engel - White Angel

This white angel is the younger sister of Black Angel
Both are residing in a garden. The former in Groningen and the latter in Utrecht. 

In the studio, before the glazing: