zondag 16 maart 2014

Blauw masker - Blue mask

I really enjoy making masks. It saves the whole back of the head when making a portrait. 
Besides masks have a bigger chance of surviving my kiln than complete portraits do. 
I got some advice though recently about letting a complete head dry very slowly using plastic, making wholes in the plastic, and so on. So we can't debar that a face with back of the head will appear on this blog the coming months. 

The making of: 

zondag 9 maart 2014

Kop in drie delen - Bust in three parts

This bust is the predecessor of the tealight holder. Back then I already had plans to make a statue in ceramic parts, approximately 2 meters tall. Original plan (never executed) was to put the parts in a composition of boards. Each board would carry a "storey" of the statue. Top storey would be the head, next one the shoulders, then upper arms and chest, and so on. Instead a statue of the intended size was built with strut and turned out to be a tealight holder.

Since the original neck and shoulders fell into pieces in the kiln, 
new and matching shoulders were made. Hence the three parts. 

The making off: here the head still has its first neck. 
Shoulders were far smaller than they are now. 
I think they have improved. 

zondag 2 maart 2014

Alarmmannetje - Alarm guy

Another sculpture in multiple parts, determined by the size of my kiln. 
Normally I use this yellow for colour accents only.
This signal yellow guy can safely run along poorly lit roads.